Sunday, October 3, 2010

CVS Caremark Charity Classic

On CVS’s website they have an entire portion dedicated to its community, and the events which it hosts in order to give back and show its dedication to that community.  One of the best ways in which CVS gives back to its community is through fundraising. CVS CAREMARK

CVS is very good about giving back to the community and proves this to its publics by hosting events annually to give back to the community through generous donations.  One of the most well known of these events is the CVS Caremark Charity Classic.  What this is, is a professional golf tournament that takes place in Barrington, Rhode Island.  It is separate from the other professional golf tours and is a two-day, two-man team event.  This tournament is hosted by CVS and it is a charity event which brings 20 professional golfers from around the world to Rhode Island to take time out of there schedules and to play for free for charity.   This event raises so much money for different charities.

CVS pitches the event by allowing the entire thing to be seen worldwide.  It is broadcasted on television as well as has a twitter page ( following the event throughout the entire competition.  Allowing everybody to see CVS giving back to the community has a very positive effect on the companies perception.  It is always good to be seen giving back to the community and showing that you care.  I believe that CVS does a great job of sponsoring the event as well as does a great job of showing its through different media sources how much it cares about the community and how much they gives back by gaining money for various charities.  I believe that whoever is in charge of covering this event has done a great job thus far and I do not see any need for change. 

The tournament which takes place from June 27-29 every year usually is supported directly by Tom Ryan, who is the CEO and president of the CVS corporation.  He is the man who is most responsible for keeping the tournament alive.  It is good for the publics to see such a high up supporting the events which the company creates to give back to the community.  It lets the people know that he cares, and since he is the face of the company, that CVS itself is actually present at the event and is witnessing and taking part in the event.  This lets people know that CVS isn’t just posing some publicity stunt, but that they actually care and enjoy being involved with the community and to showing this to the public. Unfortunately Tom Ryan was unable to make it to this past years tournament, but Larry Merlo, who next may will succeed Ryan and become the company’s new chief operating officer was there to get things under way.  And he made it clear that when he is in charge that this event will continue to give back to organizations world wide. 

“If you look at what this tournament does, it’s raised over $13 million for charities,” Merlo said. “It all started with the Goldsteins (Stanley and Sidney, who founded the company) in terms of giving back to the community. Tom has continued that focus. I don’t expect it will be any different as we move forward.”

One of the reason that CVS does such a good job with this is because they don’t just say that they are giving money away to charities, but everybody who watches the event and everybody who takes part in the event actually get a good feeling.  They know what a positive effect that an event has on the community and the lives in which they are helping.  I feel even better about CVS after reading some of the press releases which have been written about this event which can be easily found on the main website of the charity classic.  press-releases

“Personally I am proud to be a part of this tournament because I know that it will help someone somewhere. Each one of the volunteers here should feel the exact same way. They should realize that even in the smallest way they are helping affect someone else for the better. Professional golfers take time out of their busy schedules to come play for fun.”  -Darryl R.

Many other press releases display a similar attitude towards the event, and cant help you but to feel as if they must be doing something good and for the right causes.

I believe the idea of hosting a golf tournament to raise money is a very good way to gain a positive image to the company because it keeps viewers entertained with a sport that is viewed by thousands of people daily, and millions of fans worldwide.   

The company has definitely successful in this fundraising event as they have raised over 12 million in the past 11 years.  They  have also been overall successful in the way in which they communicate this event with the publics to show what it is that they are doing in the community to give back.  This is an event that people look forward to year long.  They do a great job of letting everybody know how thankful they are for participating as well as watching the event, because the fans too are what make this event successful and possible. 

“Thanks to the support of thousands of volunteers, sponsors, golfers, and fans, this prestigious tournament has brought world-class professional golf to Rhode Island. What is most remarkable is that the Charity Classic has been able to provide more than $13 million to regional charities, with a record $1.8 million in 2008. This would not be possible without world-class fans!”

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